"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7

So you're probably wondering, "what does oatmilk have to do with sparrows?" So here's how I understand this verse:
God knows and cares about every little detail of my life- including how I like my coffee.
My favorite creamer is the Oatmeal Cookie Oatmilk Creamer and I usually can't find it many places. I haven't seen this one in months. But today in the store, I saw an oatmilk creamer....that wasn't the one pictured. It was a different brand, but still good. There were only two left. I felt like I should get two, but I only got one. And all the walk to my apartment, I felt like I should go back to Target and get that other creamer. Unsure why I felt this need to go back, I didn't listen right away. I ate lunch first, and still with that desire to go ALL THE WAY back to Target, I went, determined to get the second best creamer. BUT when I walked up the aisle...there it was! MY FAVORITE CREAMER BRAND! Waiting for ME! WITH A 15% OFF COUPON!! Long story longer--God cares about every. Little. Detail. And I love that I thought I was getting one thing, and then I got something better. God gave me the best. And He wants to give you the best too.
Always Remember, You Are Loved,